Sunday, February 25, 2007

第三回 : Episode 3

This week's theme is: Please PINPON!

Here are this week's vocabulary words:

めちゃくちゃ (mechakucha) - Messed up; totally/seriously.
じょうだん(joudan); ジョーク(JOOKU); ギャグ(GYAGU) - joke; just kidding
おいしい(oishii); うまい(umai) - delicious; great

第三回を聞く / Listen to Episode 3

When you comment, you may select anonymous if you wish, but it would be better to select "Other" and write your name in the name box! That way we can see who you are! Don't forget to sign your posts so we can mention you on the show!

Thanks for commenting!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

第二回 : Episode 2!

This week's theme is: Please comment!

Here are this week's vocabulary words:

ぶっちゃけ (buchakke) - seriously; I'm gonna be honest with you; honestly; actually.
うける (ukeru) - hilarious; amusing (very amusing)
きもい (kimoi) - gross; creepy

第二回を聞く / Listen to Episode 2

Don't forget: we're now doing shout-outs! Comment if you want to get on the air ^^;

Saturday, February 10, 2007

第一回 : Episode 1!

[ 日本語 ]


+ めんどうくさい
+ まじかよ
+ まじめんどうくせ~


A: 「彼女と別れた」
B: 「まじかよ。何で?」



Episode 1 of PINPONDASSHU has been released! This week we learn how to say:

+ (~ is a) Pain in the butt.
+ Seriously?
+ (~ is) Seriously a pain in the butt!

Example Sentences:
"This homework is a pain in the butt."

A: "I broke up with my girlfriend."
B: "Seriously?! How come?"

"Waking up early in the morning is seriously a pain in the butt!"

第一回を聞く/ Listen to Episode 1

Please post your requests and suggestions below~!